This rejuvenating clay mask may not emit ionic energy to soothe your anxious mood, but the actual salt granules will refresh your skin — and the clay will leave your pores squeaky clean, too. But this mask is good for more than just oily skin, as the clay might imply. Dry skin types can benefit from this just as much as the next — and here's why. The salt provide exfoliating qualities, but the scrub is gentle enough that your skin isn’t entirely stripped of natural oils, so you’re not left with dry patches the next day. What's more, cucumber is infused into the mask to soothe skin, lock in hydration, and make the mask smell straight out of a spa day. Apply to clean, damp skin. Allow the formula to dry for about 10 minutes, then rinse to reveal a brighter and softer complexion. Who needs a spa, anyway?