Product Description
Glidewell HT™ Implant Multi-Unit Abutments are prefabricated, screw-retained intraoral abutments intended to be connected directly to endosseous implants in partially or fully edentulous patients for the retention of cast or milled bar overdentures. For implant-supported prostheses, six or more implants are recommended in the maxilla, four or more in the mandible. If clinical conditions dictate fewer implants, an implant-retained, tissue-supported prostheses is indicated. Multi-unit abutments are precisely machined from titanium alloy, and are available with a variety of collar heights to achieve optimal emergence from shallow or deep gingival wells. Each Glidewell HT Implant Multi-Unit Abutment is delivered sterile, with a carrier color-coded to indicate the restorative platform of the seated implant.
Straight multi-unit abutments lack any anti-rotational features at the implant-abutment interface. The apical portion of a straight multi-unit abutment is threaded for integration with the internal cavity of a seated implant. For abutment delivery, the occlusal surface features a male hex head compatible with the multi-unit driver recommended by the implant manufacturer.
Angled multi-unit abutments of 17 degrees or 30 degrees enable clinicians to compensate for the divergence of seated implants or to otherwise accommodate an angled path of insertion. Angled multi-unit abutments feature an anti-rotational connection interface specific to the matching implant platform, and are attached to the implant fixture with an angled multi-unit abutment screw compatible with the restorative instrumentation of the Glidewell HT Implant System.
Both straight and angled multi-unit abutments feature a female connection port at the coronal apex, to allow for the attachment of a screw-retained or fixed-removable dental prosthesis with a multi-unit restorative screw (Prosthetic Screw).